The Renzo Piano Model School, “case study” of the “G124” working group for the year 2017, will be realized for the city of Sora in the Province of Frosinone, zone 1 with a high earthquake risk.
The school has been designed according to innovative criteria: opening the building to the territory, almost zero environmental impact, earthquake safety and energy efficiency. 
It encompasses two floors around a tree and is surrounded by a spacious garden. The ground floor is “everyone’s”, a place of exchange between the city and school, with a gym, an auditorium, and a library-tower accessible to the public. 
On the first floor, there are classrooms and there is a roof-top area dedicated to leisure and exploration of the world: the “Terrazza di Talete”, or Terrace of Thales, named after the first philosopher who measured the seasons. 
The energy efficient building has a very low environmental impact and hosts giant meters to indicate the daily energy and water consumption, so that even the young guests can learn how to save resources.  

Photo credits: Milan Ingegneria
Beginning of Construction: 2019
Completion Date: 2020
1870 Projects