Zaryadye Park sits on a historically charged site saturated by both Russia’s collective past and evolving aspirations. The design aims to create a park borne of Russian and Muscovite heritage as well as one that draws on the latest construction technologies and sustainability strategies. 
The design is based on the principle of Wild Urbanism, a hybrid landscape where the natural and the built cohabit to create a new type of public space. Characteristic elements of the historic district of Kitay–Gorod and the cobblestone paving of Red Square are combined with the lush gardens of the Kremlin to create a new park that is both urban and green. 
The Park incorporates four Russian landscape typologies: tundra, steppe, forest, and wetland. Interior spaces are folded into the landscape within a series of terraces—architecture and landscape are a synthetic whole. A unique paver system that seamlessly knits landscape with walking surfaces makes the park “pathless”, allowing people the freedom to move about in entirely unscripted ways. Sustainable technologies and energy harvesting create augmented microclimates that encourage 24/7, year–round enjoyment. 
The resulting landscape is hot and cold, wet and dry, familiar and unknown; Zaryadye Park will embody the past and the future simultaneously. Zaryadye Park was designed in collaboration with Hargreaves Associates and Citymakers. 

Photo credits: Diller Scofidio + Renfro.
Status: Completed
Inaugurazione: 2017
1870 Projects