The Ex-Fim area project is part of a large urban redevelopment scenario that begins with an accurate analysis of the site taking into consideration every aspect: environmental, landscape, regulatory, historical-cultural, geological, hydro geological, botanical -vegetation, urban planning, etc. and culminates with an architectural project that reflects the analysis carried out and uses it to integrate in the best way in the environmental and historical-cultural context of the city of Porto Sant’Elpidio.
The new project of the ex-fim area can be divided into 5 large macro design elements: the new driveway and cycle-pedestrian traffic-Green mobility, the big park to the south and the gardens, the residential “cluster”, the square on the sea and the commercial area, and lastly the adaption to the new function of the protected buildings: the Cathedral-hotel and the office building. 
Each element listed above has its own characteristics and peculiarities, but all of them are contained in an overall program that aims to link this new urban space to the existing city.  
In fact, the urban redevelopment of this area cannot be separated from a careful analysis of the context, from the future expansions of the city and from the advantages that such a project creates both from a socio-cultural and economic point of view. 
The objective of the redevelopment of the EX FIM area will be to create zero emissions buildings by intervening with solutions aimed at energy efficiency of the envelope and the production of energy from renewable sources, able to combine several important aspects such as a high level of internal comfort, both in terms of thermal and acoustic quality and indoor quality, high energy efficiency and a use of materials and technological solutions to minimize the environmental impact as much as possible. 

Photo credits: Fima Engineering
Beginning of Construction: 2018
1870 Projects