The task to design a new administration building, reorganize the power station compound and create a new noise protection barrier offered the chance to dissolve the dichotomy of landscape and building to realize the deconstruction of those categories into one designed environment.
450 m long and up to 13 m high, the central part of a noise protection wall with a 45 degree incline simultaneously constitutes a new administration building for over 140 m. 
The superimposition of building and earth wall allows to explore and experience the landscape of this entire ensemble on various levels. 
An auditorium with a visitor center unfolds from this landscape and opens up towards the power station compound. It separates from the earth wall on the upper level, resting on two radial supporting walls and cantilevers up to 20 m over the landscape. A long panoramic glass façade leans towards the power station. 
The administration building underneath is sculpted into the earth wall. Meeting rooms and common areas penetrate through the wall to establish a relationship with the bordering village. The grass covered roofs of the power station workshops in the south form the extension of this landscape. 
The distinctive shape of the auditorium is visible from far beyond the barrier, heralding a strangely new and positive identity for the place and the enterprise. 

Photo credits: Archimedialab
Countries: GERMANY
Categories: OFFICES
Status: Completed
Inaugurazione: 2009
1870 Projects