Batilux Monaco: la settima edizione punta sull'eco-sostenibilità

The Office Dante O. Benini & Architects partners operates at an international level in the fields of architecture, planning and design, with centers in Milan and London. Subdivided between the various departments - architectonic planning, city planning, interior architecture, design and yacht design - has a workteam of approximately 60 people between architects, engineers, specialists and general facilities, that operate, moreover, with external specialists in full agreement with the multidisciplinarity thought from the today absolutely indispensable Study. Here plans of entire city quarters are born and industrial centers of great groups, laboratories and trade spaces, till exclusive clubs, houses, yachts and pieces of design, all over the world. A remarkable amount of banns refers to the plans and to the realizations, to which have been attributed moreover several acknowledgments and prizes.
Vai alla scheda dello studio di progettazione: DOMINIQUE PERRAULT ARCHITECTURE