The aim of this scheme is to create a dialogue between the enclosed and open spaces of the complex itself and the surrounding street axes. All this is achieved through the redesign and reorganisation of the systems of access that tended to appear as service spaces or leftover areas. The new layout enables great flexibility of use of the various parts of the complex without creating visual interference between them. In terms of the elevations, the solid areas have been unified in terms of material and colour while at the same time increasing thermal performance with the addition of external insulation. In terms of the glazed areas, which cover most of the complex, the new design redefines the pattern of the facades without distorting the existing glazing system. The design sees various levels of intervention depending on the importance of the elevation in question and based on the perception of the elevation in terms of the views considered to be significant from both inside and outside the site. All these treatments clean up the elevations by removing elements, mostly horizontal, that are not useful from a technical point of view. Furthermore, for the street fronts a series of rectangular vertical blades and a light canopy set away from the building accentuate the vertical nature of the buildings both in perspective and seen front on. For the areas facing onto via dei Valtorta, where the main accesses are located, a series of elements in perforated metal has been added to further modify the proportion of the individual entities.
Crediti fotografici: Park Associati
Status: Completed
Inaugurazione: 2011
1870 Projects