The University of Fine Arts Helsinki will be getting a new campus building on Sörnäisten rantatie, next to the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. The winning entry by JKMM was a consortium project developed together with Veritas Pension Insurance and Lujatalo Oy.
The new building will house The Academy of Fine Arts, as well as serve as the heart of the campus, bringing together theatre, dance and arts studies. 
Sörnäinen – a traditional industrial area of Helsinki – has been developing rapidly in recent years. Today it is a lively neighbourhood with a unique urban culture. The new building, sporting a red brick façade and rough aesthetics, will complete its surroundings perfectly. 
The design aims to provide a clear and open framework to the future artists in the making. Raw and unfinished surfaces and large, modifiable spaces will support the idea of communality as well catering to the future pedagogical and artistic needs. The atrium-like central hall creates a social hub in the core of the building. A variety of study and work spaces are gathered around it. The roof top terrace with superb view to the sea is planned to serve as an oasis in the middle of the urban neighbourhood. 
The building is scheduled to be completed in 2021. 

Photo credits: JKMM Architects
Beginning of Construction: 2017
Completion Date: 2021
1870 Projects