Krueck + Sexton Architects have completed a 375,000 square foot, highly sustainable Federal Office Building located at 2030 S.W. 145th Avenue in Miramar, Florida.
This new bulding for the GSA Design Excellence program is designed in pursuit of the 2030 Zero Environmental Footprint project goal, achieved by a design process that rigorously follows three consecutive objectives which build upon each other: reduction of energy & resources consumption, use of high performance building envelope & systems, and harvesting of renewable energy sources on-site. 
The office building consists of two narrow bars with dynamically articulated façades which respond to sun angles, views from the interior, and subtle reflections of the surrounding sky and wetlands. 
Exterior perforated sun screens are deployed at the south-facing sides to shield solar gain before it enters the building. Careful siting within the restored wetlands create courtyards to regularly engage with the natural restored habitat. 

Photo credits: Nick Merrick, Hedrich Blessing
Status: Completed
Inaugurazione: 2015
1870 Projects