Water Pavillon

The volume refers to the Digital Water Pavillon which was placed at the entrance of  Saragozza International Exposition of 2008, an extraordinary example of the results that the new informatics technologies can reach. The building looks  like a huge evocative edifice made by water and controlled by digital technology. The interactive interruption of the water flow let visitors get in and out of the pavillon and even permits to scroll images and text messages on the water walls. The “Time” has elected this building “Best Invention Of The Year”. The DWP could be considered like a real edifice and not just like a machine. There are over than 3000 valves controlled by the computers, 12 hydraulic pistons, tens of pomps, and an impressive system for the informatics data management. Designed  by the carlorattiassociati studio in Turin, the DWP required the solution of thousands of handling problems, project difficulties, technology and material questions. The digital control of the water flow has been realized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This book is like a “manual for the digital and interactive architecture” and there are frequently asked questions. official web-site Digital Water Pavilion Carlorattiassociati Walter Nicolino & Carlo Ratti Electa, Milano, 2008